>>5674552i don't disagree with most of this. except i want to point out that it's the newfag posters who don't understand irony, most of the time. and i don't think identity politics are retarded at all. especially in a diverse country like america. or bulgaria.
if i get into a fight with a gypsy and i beat him up, i can expect a mob of 50 gypsies to be waiting for me in front of my commieblock on the next night to beat me to death or within an inch of my life. this isn't a dumb example i pulled out of my ass, this has happened to a friend of mine. that's identity politcs. who wins? do i win, as an individual, or does the gypsy collective win? what do you think? wouldn't i have been better off if bulgarians practiced identity politics and i could call 50 bulgarians?
do you think your pathetic ideas of individualism mean anything to me in that moment when 50 gypsies are beating on me because they consider themselves a part of the gypsy collective and not individuals? shitting on identity politics is a luxury of people who live in monoethnict countries
>>5674861>Because it's the most cancerous board that's pulling down the quality of the whole imageboard. I wouldn't care about their garbage if it didn't bring streams of newfags in and if they followed the rules and kept /pol/ on /pol/.sorry, this doesn't give me much. there's always been crossover between boards. you'd need to tell me why /pol/ crossover is extra bad.