They began (and technically remain) low value beta males that can't reconcile their value and status in society and opt for a more coddled lifestyle as a "woman". This also increases their chance for attention and companionship (albeit with other betas or horny males). However, when they are rejected from society because of their physical appearance they begin to suffer from cognitive dissonance. Cracks in their fantasy appear, they demand that reality conforms to their will rather than the other way around, based on this shitty concept of "brain chemistry" that they do not even qualify for.
All this and brain chemistry aside, it is not healthy to surgically altar or remove your genitalia because of obvious complications. Nor is it healthy to infuse your body with foreign hormones. To do this to a minor who
(especially whe) is one of the most reprehensible acts imaginable, hence concern from "conservatives".
So now you have two groups, a minority within a minority being the only ones who may qualify as "transgender" (being very loose with the term), the other who are deluded transmaxxing radicals which also being taken advantage of by predators (which is an entirely massive issue on its own). I'll also find it ironic that many of the advocates in the LGBTQwhatever community do not espouse gender and say its a social construct, but MtFs take on a characture of what women should be specifically to Western cultur. Why need the hormones afterall? We know its because they want to be treated differently by society (coddled) rather than any intrinstic feelings within. In the end this issue (and many issues like it) comes down to something else - how much do you care about the greater wellbeing of society at the cost of an incredibly small minority (a minority of a minority even)? How much do you respect the truth?