>>19984533Furthermore, the Chi-Rho is the origin of the Skull and Crossbones symbol used by the Templars, Pirates and Secret Societies.
>Or, to look at it from another angle, if we consider the Chi Rho symbol we find something quite similar, although it might not appear to be so at first. Remember the following clue: “X does not just mark the spot, crosses can lead the way also.” And in this case, instead of the cross with a circle above we have an “X” (Greek: Chi) with a “P” (“Greek: Rho) above it. Here might be a good time to say, “In Hoc Signo Vinces.” It might also be of interest to point out that the Greek “Tau” (T) is derived from the Phoenician “Tav” (X), thus the relationship between the cross and the X for our purposes is even more intricately connected>We can perhaps also see how the Rho appears like the profile of a head. A head above an “X” (Chi). Which brings us back to the Phonecian and Hebrew “Resh” (Head). And in this sense, there is another symbol that we should consider, the Skull and Crossbones, or the Jolly Roger, which is quite literally a skull, or head, on top of an “X”. Two thigh bones represent the major portions of the lower body, in contact with the Earth, that provide us both motion and stability. The Skull is as the same as the Rho, or Rose>The Christians claim that the Chi-Rho form the first two letters of Christ (Cristos) and the historians claim that the symbol can be found hundreds if not thousands of years before Christianity and was therefore usurped by them. I needed to look into this to discover the origins, meaning and why it so resembled the style of the skull and crossbones>Strangely, just as the biblical term, Elohim, is a plural word used for God (EL), and in reality means the ‘Shining Ones,’ the X part of the monogram is also plural (X=10) and is the number of Yahweh>Chi also has another meaning - ‘Great Fire’ or ‘Light’ or even ‘Shining.’