I'm not OP but I agree with OP's general attitude here. I would like to see more instances where the right and left are able to actually talk to one another like people instead of screaming at eachother about nonsense all the time.
>>14416731but don't you see how you are, in turn, projecting a lack of understanding back onto the other side by saying this? Have more faith: there are a lot of people on the left who fully understand the right's viewpoint and wish them no harm. Just as there are violent extremists on the right and left, there are also those willing to see the other side's point of view on each side, meet them where they're at, and work together with them. You are not my enemy. I don't hate you and will never hate you.
>>14416734not to be rude, but what do you actually think is going on here, then? do you really believe that all leftists are just constantly lying to themselves and none of them wants to reach out and make amends with the right?
>>14416736Sticking to rigidly defined terms like "communism" is admittedly counterproductive. We are all human beings. That's what counts. You are a person, I am a person. You're welcome to joke about lefties being subhuman or whatever, but the truth remains. I am not your enemy.
I get the feeling that a lot of the loudest right-wing voices on this platform are concerned with the same things I am, we just word it differenty and have different ideas about "who's to blame" or whatever. I think we are all a lot more similar than we think and our enemies are really a small group who benefit from the status quo.