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As per usual, as I sit here this evening trying to work on my paper, those enemies of mine whose children's suffering will never end, and whose lamentations will be extremely mournful without even trace amounts of self-satisfaction or smugness, have been keeping my sexual torture implants in the active state pretty much non-stop for the last 20-30 minutes. It is extremely painful, and it is detrimental to my work. It seems like when I'm working is their favorite time to activate the sexual torture implants which they implanted into the stab wounds created after they stabbed me in the anus during one or more previous sexual batteries.
Even more as per usual, as I typed this they activated one of the other implants at a much higher intensity, and it too is extremely painful. Therefore, the suffering of their children will never end, nor their servants, not their servants' children, nor the audience that they please with their sexual torture antics, nor the children of anyone enjoying their antics in that audience. Although I may have man-hour constraints on the physical suffering I can inflict on such a large number of people on the present timeline, I will forbid it that the timeline revisions of any of those people, or the children, ever have any positive effects, and that all timeline changes must be such that things are made worse for them, and that their suffering and loss on the revised timelines shall always be greater than the pre-revision timeline. In giving that command, I will consign them to the second death which is like the human centipede except the string theoretical version in which you get attached to the asshole of all of existence, and you go down and down forever, and it never ends.