>>20902308>>20902308I know there is no inheritance from them and have known for a looooong time.
As for Boomers as a whole they are such a strange generation. If you listen to them(have mercy on your ears) they act like they are the most important generation ever fucking Stolen Valor Generation more like.
They'll say shit like we fought for Civil rights and we landed on the moon and then you realize most of them couldn't even vote until 1970. Then when you call them out on it they act all confused and say "M-muh Viet-NAM!"
Then they'll go on a tirade about younger generations being spoiled without considering who raised those younger generations or the fact they boomers could buy new cars off the lot for a summers wage and drive across the country with pocket change and then after fucking around buy a house for cheap.
Just strange good thing the youngest boomer is over 60 now and have more health problems then a Pharoah from Exodus.