>>21306088". . ."
"Legend! Oi, mate, that was 'sack-ly what Oi fucken wanted! If youse ain't gawna let a fuckwit loik me push youse around, then youse were hopeless! So now if Traino wants ta fucken troy it, youse can slap dat cunt in da fucken face. Youse ain't 'ere ta be some cunts's steppin' stone, is ya? Nah, fuck dat. Youse is 'ere ta win da fucken Cup, make some emmenies and -- fuck, I dunno, foind friendship or some shit along the way? Last one is op-shun-al."
"Look, soz if Oi'm not da best men-taw. It's koinda a long staw-y, but Oi had a cunt when Oi got here dat din't 'sactly pan out good. So Oi guess... even if dis whole Cup fing dun' pan out faw ya, Oi dunno, Oi guess Oi'll orl-ways be 'round or whatevah, yeah?"
"Anywho, fuck, dat's got me needin' maw ta drink. Come on, newbie. Youse is boying us all a drink or foive."
"Aww, but I mean, loik, didja have anymore quesh-uns or nuffin'?"