>>13907050So in the end which science would be the most interesting for you? I believe you've mentioned that you discarded chemistry for something else before.
>maybe she just felt like you needed someone to talk to?I hope that's not all that it was, I'd rather not have anybody talk to me out of pity. I'd say nobody actively seeks someone out of pity but my feelings could have certainly made me see things differently.
>rather i'd pin it on what we do with said technology.How would you regulate the internet without heavy censorship though? Even China is struggling with it.
I don't know if this is the internet's fault or not but a number of people nowadays seem much too spoiled. They're easily offended, they're quick to anger and vengeful, it feels like you have to walk on eggshells with many of them... But not everyone's like that, of course.
>voting barely changes anything because of this, so i don't bother with it.Neither will I from now on, I see no point because the politicians will just do whatever they please at the end of the day, only they'll try to disguise it in such a way that their voters won't notice anything's off.
>do you have any recommendations, if i may ask?Well the best one I've read so far was The Monk by Matthew Lewis, so you could start with that. Also, if you've checked any lists about this before, I'd avoid a certain Marquis de Sade unless you want to get traumatised, if you're squeamish that is.
>man is it nice to not have to deal with extended family.I feel the same way, I don't understand why I should accomodate someone just because they're related to me. It's not like I chose them to be.
Remember what I said about this artist making "official" fan books despite some of the pictures being a little erotic? Well it turns out that's pretty tame compared to how the person who draws the official cards for the game also makes nude variants of some of them and releases them anonymously.