>>13161167Well, what happens if you don't pay back your credit card debt, besides your score plummeting and not being allowed to take loans? You have pigs?
>I can't just sit around and do nothing, if I fail the autumn tests twice I'm toastSure, but you can't study with a headache either. Three tests aren't a lot, and you have an entire month or more to study for them. I think you can afford to take a break for another week. But not more.
>I can't work when I'm looked, I need peace and quietDon't they ever leave? You could plan out a pilot and film it as soon as the house is empty.
Well, almost every succubus will get a high rating from me. Her hair could be longer though. Now you share your thots on this. And Siggy will share his as well, I know he's watching.