>>13056649white people have neanderthal DNA. You literally come from creatures that had 48 chromosomes, like the apes. the only pure blooded humans are certain black african peoples. you pale creatures are not even humans from Adam and Noah. That's why your people will become extinct. Because you're a remnant of an act of uncleanness committed by the people of Magog who lived in central/northern Asia.
>Unclean Nations, driven beyond a mountain pass by Alexander>Fenius Farsaid, Partholón, Nemed, the Fir Bolg, the Tuatha de Danann, and the Milesians are among Magog's descendants.>The true harbingers of the End of Days are the Unclean Nations from Magog, who will issue from the north and devastate the whole world before one of the commanders of God’s army defeats them in an instant>Pseudo-Methodius brought the characteristic of nations enclosed in the mountains which became a defining description for the following centuries.>He described the unclean nations imprisoned by Alexander behind a gate between two mountains as descendants of the biblical tribe of Japheth>he dominant feature is cannibalism“who frighten the whole world, eat human flesh and drink blood of beasts as if it was water.They also eat all that is abhorrent and unclean, such as dogs, mice, snakes,scorpions and everything that crawls on the ground.They do not hesitate to eat unborn babies cut out of their mothers’ wombs, and take children away from their mothers to eat them.”
Magog became unclean by breeding with neanderthal ape women. Their offspring was became white after many generations of breeding among neanderthals.
No matter how much you lie, white devils, truth will be revealed and the Most High will make you extinct. The millenium sabbath is coming. For a thousand years, the earth and mankind will rest and there will be peace. The devil and his unclean race of deceivers, thieves and murderers will no longer walk among us. Yes, even the bloodline of Japheth will become purified.