Does glegle count as a /bant/ meme? I first saw it here and I've never seen it outside of here.
I just saw this thread on the catalog
>>21150988which reminded me of it
Of course this is a nu-/bant/ meme. Post-sharty /bant/. Post-death-of-/qa/ /bant/, if you will.
Back in the day the "/bant/ memes" were probably more entwined with s4s as well as /int/ and /pol/. But they were never really too original. This place has always been /pol/'s garbage can.
Still, I am curious about the origin of glegle. It doesn't even appear to have a KYM page. It appears to only have been used on other boards sporadically, and it was most likely /bant/tards posting it, I assume. The earliest appearance of glegle on /bant/ I can find is Nov 8th 2021. That's almost the years old now. At this point I'm willing to happily accept it as a certified /bant/ meme. /bant/ doesn't have much else going for it.
This wiki article actually just reminded of the anuran poster. That's another original /bant/ meme too I'd say. Older than glegle although I don't know how old. That drawfag posts quite a lot of OC and I do appreciate it. I've never seen anything quite like it, but what do I know, you know.