According to the ancient Avestan manuscripts & oral legend, the original Aryan civilization was located in the Northern Arctic, highly advanced & were called "Aryan" or "Noble" because of their religous philosophy, which remains to this day the most sophisticated, elegant and airtight conception of Divinity & philosophy that explains God, Man, Creation & Man's relationship to God, Himself, others & Creation.
https://redice.tv/red-ice-radio/restoring-the-indo-european-religion-zoroastrianism-germanic-paganism-and-rune-magicstart here:
http://www.zoroastrian.org.uk/lib/mazdan/stephenflowers-intromazdanreligion.pdfThe manuscripts & legend claim that during the last ice age some 20,000 years ago, the Aryan families had to leave the North - it hadn't been ice covered back then, but the advent of the ice age forced them to migrate.
So migrate the did, finally settling in historical Persia/ Iran, which literally means "Land of Aryans"
Land of Aryans
https://youtu.be/EPDa4BhW5pAAryan Race in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan
https://youtu.be/o0TQ1gj8GQoChildren of Iran
https://youtu.be/Dt4jOJMTAdQ> God is ALL GOOD> no evil comes from Him> God is ALL TRUTH/WISDOM> evil then comes from the lie(druj) which endeavors to distort & pervert truth, God & man's understanding of God, Himself, others & Creation.> The battle between Good & evil is 5he battle between Truth & falsehood.> Thus, endeavor to have *Good/Noble Thoughtsz Words & Deeds.*This is why we were called "Noble"
The true God does not "command" but has instilled the knowledge of Good & Evil in the Heart & Mind of Man from the Beginning. We were not created as dumb slave animals for God's vanity - simply "to worship Him" - but as coCreators & Partners to God in restoring Creation from the damage the lie has caused.