>>3175670>>3175673>>3175683>>3175711Anon who was supplying images to thread #1/2 from stream and created the shitty collage here. Forgot the name of the dude who was posting images in the stream (Nuez, or something). He was one of the people tracking this thing, and posting coordinates.
https://imgoat.com/uploads/4f683a8416/61933.jpg> https://imgur.com/a/vgUwC (original got deleted ~10 minutes after posting - created the screengrab of imgur to prove it came from there too)https://imgoat.com/uploads/4f683a8416/61934.jpg> https://imgur.com/a/KrAaE (original)https://imgoat.com/uploads/4f683a8416/61935.jpg> https://imgur.com/a/Xg2bb (original)https://imgoat.com/uploads/4f683a8416/61941.jpg> https://imgur.com/a/lMP3I (original)None of the images existed before that time (another anon posted screengrab of image search - forgot to save it).