Quoted By:
>If people weren't subhumans, they wouldn't be on this website. They would be out with friends, they would be with their family, they would be working. This place is basically the dumpster of the lowest quality people who speak English. To be on this website, it means you were hated to the point of being shunned on all real social media where you are a person like Facebook and twitter, and beyond that, you get shunned by the "politically correct" dregs of society over on reddit, who are still hated on all real social media, but are large enough in number to populate the abomination of a website where all the hated monsters go to circle-jerk each other's egos while they wear bags on their head.
>Still, using the word "pseudo-intellectual" is a bit of a farce. The only difference between "intellectuals" and "pseudo-intellectuals" is whether or not the state approves of their bullshit. The real, published, and popular "intellectuals" do nothing but pander to idiots with shit like "magical Negros" and "You are not a slave and you have rights and dignity".
>The only way to get "intellectual" status is to produce bullshit propaganda that is directly in the interest of the state, at which point, they will approve you to a post of a propagandist such as in a university or in a press agency, at which point you will be paid large sums of money to produce propaganda for the state. These people say "we are not state-sponsored propagandists" in the same right that people jacking off to cartoon children say "we are not pedophiles" and the people who have sex with crossdressing men say "Traps are not gay". It's just a coping mechanism.