Would you rather be alone or be with an ugly, but unvaccinated non virgin female?
Anonymous No.20744264 View ViewReport Quoted By:
I’m an unvaccinated male, I’ve abstained myself from contaminating myself with a dumb vaxxed whore, even though most pretty baes are vaxxed af, this ugly unvax chick was into me, she wanted to have sex. At first I though about it, she was fun, but then… I smoked weed, and I could se behind the lies that love make you think… I realized, I realized she was ugly as fuck, is this what I want for my offspring? I can stand having ugly boys, but what if it’s a girl? Would I curse my daughter to a live of misery and unhappiness because I said yes to the first available pussy? I could understand why some males are with ugly women, because of the drug of love, but cannabis made me open my eyes, to see without love. I’d rather be alone than with an ugly woman.