>>6923968Quite a few actually. Mostly in college bars.
It's all drunken, light-hearted conversation. Most of these women are just parroting 'male privilege' opinions they heard around in the ether being propagated by the radfems. It's basically me telling them that being a 'man with male privilege' isnt all that rainbows and sunshine as they make it out to be. They definitely see the simple virtue that being an attractive female sets the bar extremely low to have a comfortable life requiring no job or actionable skills while a 'Brad Pitt' tier attractive male still needs to have a good job, nice car, and social status to get the prime pick of women. Simply put good looking men can't get chicks if he works at McDonald's while vice versa women can just attach themselves to men and make it by in life.
Basically traditional family dynamic is still very hardwired in us and it's fun bursting their bubbles when they think post modernism makes women 'happy'.