Quoted By:
1772-1801: Georg Philipp Friedrich Freiherr von Hardenberg (Novalis)
>"Man must control his nature and secure right and mastery for the individual in himself – mastery of the will is proper to him. Woman must obey nature – constrain her individuality – her sensation must determine her will. [...] She must have a subordinated will, he must have a subordinated sensation. (He simplifies the universal, she universalizes the singular.) He and she both serve reason—He is the ideal of content—She is the soul of form."
—Novalis 2003, Fichte Studies, trans. J Kneller, Cambridge University Press, NY, pp. 157-158
>"The man obeys himself as object – the woman as subject. The man must transform his sensations into concepts, the woman her concepts into sensations. The concept does not deceive him, sensation does not deceive her."
—ibid, p. 159
>"The morality of the woman is grounded in feeling – as the morality of the man is grounded in reason."
—ibid, p. 174
>"The hero is lyrical, the ordinary person epic, the genius dramatic - man is lyrical , woman epic, marriage dramatic."
—Novalis 1997, 'Philological Fragments' in M Mahony Stoljar (ed.), Novalis: Philosophical Writings, State University of New York Press, NY, p. 65.