>>21342325If neither of you have morals you'll still be together, you just will never know the religious and transcendent feeling of someone belonging to you. This is honestly more of a problem for men due to male instincts reinforcing that desire of exclusivity.
In all strong and raising societies on the planet war and virginity have always been a necessary method to create culture. Why would they always kill non-virgins at marriage? Because if a woman doesn't belong to you, then you do not belong to your people. Others have had her, so can you now owe your loyalty to her and her family? They didn't preserve your wife's purity for you. They didn't give a shit about you or put value on the figure of "husband" for her and you know this for a fact just by knowing she had other men. So you know you're not important to them all. And do your children owe their loyalty to you, when their mother can confess any day that she was another man's and it be confirmed by that man in public, shaming you with men who now think you're weak and cucked? If her "ex" gets lucky and becomes richer and more respected than you, your children will WISH they were his and so will your wife, instead of accepting you. By having a wife who slept with 1 guy your entire life is now surrounded in foulness.
You'll say "this all sounds like from another century" and that's exactly the point. There is no culture of honor and loyalty today. That's why women are whores and governments do anything they want. You imagine revolutions and civil wars and race wars, but they can't happen without loyalty, honor and respect among men. You will never fight in a civil war for your kids and land with comrades with your wife awaiting you at the doorstep. You'll fight as a desperate loser and mercenary with nothing to lose fighting for the honor and families of other men willing to build. At best you'll loot and rape, your last change to make something yours, by expending your very life.