>>22011251jews want to summon the moshiach (antichrist)
this will initiate a 'new world' where they are rulers, they believe
they believe they have to make everyone sinners to force god to send the moshiac (the act of turning everyone into sinners which initiates god's intervention is called tikkun olam or world healing)
it is hard to explain why they want to do this without explaining the line of cain
cain and abel had sacred knowledge revealed to them by god. cain kills abel and goes out into the world, and is given a chance to atone. instead of atoning, he basically devotes his life to very sinister things. he and his children (line of cain) build elaborate complex cities with a blend of what we may call magic and technology, cities that house very large amounts of people. cain and his line then arrange what is basically an orgy between fallen angels and human women. this creates monsterous giants, who feed on the humans in the cities cain has built. god floods the world to destroy these abominations.
i am glossing over a lot. what jews seek to do is to continue this arrangement, more or less. they ally with fallen angels to send souls to hell by enabling and amplifying sin, vice, etc. pornography, alcohol, drugs, hook up, decadent materialistic lives and pursuits, confusing and ever-changing cultures, trends and fashion.
much of this is explained for you in the protocols of the learned elders of zion.