>>13100817>Ford Foundation links to CIAhttps://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/FordFandCIA.html>Ford Foundation(CIA) offshoot is: Movement for Black Lives(BLM), which is supported by: Alliance for Global >Justice (AFGJ) (Commies), which supports Refuse Fascism(Antifa)>BLM is also funded by ThousandCurrents, with is ran by Susan Rosenberg, who is a Communist member of the Weather Underground Domestic Terrorist group.>Darren Walker, President of the Ford Foundation, is involved with:https://archive.is/bqR69 (view source) Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism
https://archive.is/TIoOR US-China Strong Foundation
https://archive.is/LD1fG ADL Never is Now conference, with Yasmin Green of Google Jigsaw
https://archive.is/a3kRy a friend of Joi Ito
https://archive.is/Er0Sb Global Steering Group for Impact Investment...
https://archive.is/NYrL3 ... with senior management Sir Ronald Cohen...
https://archive.is/jFuOt ... who also runs Social Finance Israel with the CEO of Yad Hanadiv, the Rothschild Foundation.
>The CEOs of Bank of America, BP, Johnson & Johnson, Salesforce, and several other Fortune 500 companies are joining the Council for Inclusive Capitalism With the Vatican,https://fortune.com/2020/12/08/council-for-inclusive-capitalism-with-the-vatican/>Vatican and Rothschild form ‘Council for Inclusive Capitalism’ composed of numerous international business leadershttps://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/the-council-for-inclusive-capitalism-with-the-vatican-a-new-alliance-of-global-business-leaders-launches-today-301187931.html> Sir Ronald Cohen...>"Global Steering Group for Impact Investment"https://medium.com/positive-returns/why-we-invested-global-steering-group-for-impact-investment-91c252511b79