>>22143064That's the million dollar question mate.
Personally, I think it's social/societal conditioning. There is simply no way you would spend decades and literally billions of dollars (and they have) if there's no payoff to it.
My thesis is this, outlandish I know, but I will venture this as an idea -
Jews view the Christian west as Amalek, and they have a mitzvah to destroy them
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is_61jU_RLU&ab_channel=Ej%C3%A9rcitoRemanente (here's a bunch of rabbis confirming that, if you need it confirming)
Jews are NOT monotheistic, they are dualists - they believe in a God upstairs (Yahweh) and a God down here (Azazel)
See the Apocalypse of Abraham wherein Yahweh grants Azazel rulership of the earth until the Apocalypse
Thus Jews believe in Yahweh, but hate him, because they're always getting smited by him for worshipping Azazel (to whom in the Bible they give their Moloch child sacrifices), and they much prefer Azazel because he rewards them with stuff. Also, Azazel started the Nephilim and some Jews at least, consider themselves Nephilim (picrel)
Anyway, despite following Azazel they constantly kept getting the shit beaten out of them by Amalek and so they invented Freemasonry and inducted some Freemasons into their belief system. Azazel is the Great Architect of Freemasonry. I've already given one picrel so I'll have show you a quote from the occult book The Peacock King, which flat out states that Azazel is the Great Architect.
So Azazel, who is also the Antichrist, is their Moshiach. For their Moshiach to be mistaken for the Christ, he needs to be a saviour figure.
So, Freemasons are building a society that is dystopian and then, when the time is right, they will provide their Moshiach to seemingly save us from the dystopia they created so we will hail him saviour. And then they take control.
As part of this we, the goyim, need to be **conditioned** to view the Azazel Moshiach as THE HERO
tl/dr Jews try to meme Revelation