>>18291879Priscilla ponders the idea of Sapphire cheering them both on. Surely, no matter what, she'd rather see her mother win. They do seem to have a good relationship, something that's very rare on the WWA roster. Doubts start to form in Priscilla's mind. Can she still trust Sapphire as much as she once would have?
>Your daughter has been a great ally in the ring and an even better friend out of it>And for you to have prevailed in this tournament so early in your career must mean that her tenacity and wit was inherited from you>But make no mistake about it. This tournament was never about any of you who entered it>It was always about giving me an obstacle to overcome>About showing once again, that I am the best this business has to offer>Now these fans, these idiots, they think washed up GJPW rejects like Ash Romero and Kelly Omega are great wrestlers>But as you demonstrated by beating them, you're better than they are>And as I will demonstrate by beating you at Clash, I am better than-