>>22112310hall NAH not him i mean yeah he's definitely special and too special for me actually so a lot of the time the "polly interaction experience" feels a lot like talking to a brick wall in a sense that not even i can understand what he says from time to time so it's the same problem but doubled
>>22112332i cannot bring myself to use shitcord or whatever else is the social media of choice for all the scum of the earth to congregate at and be unfunny and awkward and i already used to do that kinda when i was way younger and i don't do that anymore for a reason mainly because it's just so mentally exhausting to constantly meet new people and try to like decipher if they're worth sticking around or are they just as braindead as the previous 150 dumbasses i ditched this month, i'd much rather surround myself with weirdos and pseudos than those boring ass meaningless lifeless people again but i can't stand quirky faggots either so it all really is just hard and uninspiring
>>22112410i think i said that as a joke and now i've really described how i feel about this most of the time, things happen and there is stuff to report on it's just uh whatever and it's just yapping for the sake of yapping a lot of the time but maybe i just woke up in a shitty mood today and i will feel totally different about this whole thing tomorrow and mentally retract some of my statements, this happens but the wider picture always stays the same that i just don't really have people in my life that i can be intellectually intimate with or who i can trust my feelings and emotions at times when it matters and when i need that, at least not anymore