>>380935>Age 21
>relationship statusI have a waifu
>what kind of friends are you looking for if anyNone
>what do you like to do in your free time Watch animu and play WoW/Overwatch/Hearthstone
>your main boards or favorite boards/a/ and /vg/
>other sites you like to visitNone in particular
>favorite gamesBlizzard shit, except for HoTS, and others
>favorite moviesPeter Jackson's King Kong, Life of Pi
>Waifu Sakura Chiyo
>ur politcal views if you have anyDont be a fucking retard in my country, we're chock full already
And ffs if I get another brown person trying to buy 20 cartons of cigarettes from my store Im gonna start hoping trump slags your entire shithole country into the ground
You know who you are