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This tale is a tale of horror, and hell on earth. A war in the crisp leaves of autumn the tards stur This has three acts and 3 parts each so 9 episodes ranging from 6th grade to 8th grade
Act I: Beginning to the end
>Be me
>6th grade
>Many tards go to my middle school
>Gets placed into a tard class
>Their this super beefy tard that's 6 foot
>Smells like shit AXE odor and onions
>The tard have to play all together and theirs 30 of them at once
>Luckily they keep the Ipad fuckers in the classroom
>I just do my work in the back of the room
>Tard guards go on break and take a piss
>Dale comes stomping up to me
>HeLo0 FrIenD U LiKe MiNEcAft?1
>His breath smells like shit
> “No, sorry”
>He storms off and is visibly angry
>Tard goes up to the nice quiet kid and says the same thing
>Quiet kid doesn't answer
>Tard asks again but louder
>Kid doesn't answer still
>Tard picks kid by the fucking neck and throws him across the room
>Every tard goes fucking ballistic
>Shit, piss, blood everywhere
>Kids swinging canes from cripples around
>Tard guards get back from piss
>Has to call the fucking resorse officer to calm the tard hord down
To this day i still can smell that room
>Ipad screens scattered around like confetti
>School has to beef up security
>Locker searches almost everyday
Now a little filler, At the middle school we had an underworld economy and I was one the figureheads, Vape pens, loans, weed. Come to me and i shall give you what you need
>School finds the whole Illegal shit but i'm not in trouble because I wasn't connected to the market
>Now my $500 plus a day wasn't around anymore
>Dealers either suspended or in ISS
>Everyone Is extremely angry at the tard riot
The war has begun