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Thankful for the fact they didn't have to stay in the dead cities of israel, the mentally scarred soldiers of Ram take solace in the sun and country side as they roll their tanks through Sudan. The Sudannese, for their part, see no difference in the change of rulers and put up no defence, surrendering willingly to the Smiling, hollow eyed solders.
In a pre emptive strike, the Roaches burn the french ME colonies to the ground, quickly seizing the land before turning their attention back to the northern front and capturing the last of any neighbouring UGJF lands.
The Moor-Nigger war draws to a stalemate, as millions die in a trench war more reminiscent of early 20th century wars than the mechanized war of today.
All is fair in love and war is a saying common in Britain, and they truly believe it. With the background noise of several nuclear detonations degrading their radio transmissions, the 46th, 72nd and 16th armoured divisions plunge into the heart of Germany, watching the country sides for signs of resistance.
There is no match for a people bred and cultured for the horrors of war. It is said that a B-Brother does not sleep, that he does not eat, for the the only sustenance he needs comes fro that of the death of his enemies and the seizure of their land. This statement is in part, true. The Brothers of Russia do not feel as us, they do not eat the food we eat, and i have never seen one sleep. They are a hollow eyed and bitter people. It is no surprise that they have never faltered in their war of domination, and I fear for the day they turn their attention on us.
-Helsink Norvan, 387th Suumi mechanised rifles.