>>12173886You see, Aus, "banter" by definition is short, whitty conversation. So one would think that threads on /bant/ would be shorter by definition. The longest threads you see here are /pol/ sewage flushed by jannies. Politics, arguing one's case in one's self interest, is by definition going to be longer conversation. BUT is it /bant/? No, it is not whitty, only shitty... and so I say "FUCK JANNIES." And as you are reading this post are you starting to loose the sense of short, whitty conversation? Would you want /bant/ to become endless posts of boring, blathering, irrelevant nonsense... like listening to a mumbling drunk that will not shut the fuck up? How much rambling, tepid, mind numbing, inconsequential words can you handle in a day? Can you imagine a trip across endless, flat nothingness in a car with no AC? How about getting up every morning wanting some toast and finding that jar of Vegemite you just bought is empty. Every morning.