>>12496507>the theory of evolution is too good.It's all a bunch of post-rationalization. Why don't geckos have wings? It's just post-rationalizing and circular too, species look a certain way because of the environment, and the environment looked a certain way because of the species that supposedly lived in it. Descendant species look a certain way because of their ancestors, but the ancestors look a certain way because of the descendants. Rate of evolution physiological changes and genetic mutations is completely arbitrary mental gymnastics and taxa get classified and re-classified all the time. Evolution is the new religion and people merely collect evidence for it, as they used to collect evidence for the Christian God.
Want proof that evolution is bogus science: When has evolution ever been successfully applied? When has evolution been able to predict the existence of a certain species given its environment and the principles of evolution? Never, instead "evolutionary scientists" are constantly baffled and surprised by the discovery of new species.
Evolution is predicated on the fact that the world has existed much much longer, and the laws of the universe - which are, little known fact, completely arbitrary btw - always have been the same, even thought there is no proof whatsoever for this. Loads of atheists "scientists" will now subscribe to the fine-tuning argument, simulation theory and multiverse, but find it too ridiculous that a sentient being called the Christian God has created it, because they're too degenerate to live by His rules.
Ultimately you can't know anything before human historiography. If there is a Creator, then he is free to meddle with the universe in any way which he chooses. We have evidence for God from our historiography, millions of answered prayers and miracles that cannot be all attributed to "collective hallucinations" and "mass hysteria", the dancing plague of 1518, apparitions of the Virgin Mary, and many many many others.