‘Six’ has a greater signifance to Kaballah than more recent schools of Hermeticism, but its associated heavily with ‘Preparation’ and is oftentimes referred to as the ‘Number of Preparation’, as it is the transitionary sequence between the ‘Root’ of life (3) and the final assortment/matured body of life (9).
Finally, ‘Nine’ is associated with the process of ‘Initiation’ and is referred to as the ‘Number of initiation’. A wide variety of equations and arithmatic center around the number 9, and one of the most important pieces of Iconography in hermeticism- the Tree of Life- is oftentimes depicted as possessing nine sephirot, or spheres. Each sphere represents a fundamental aspect of reality, and by extension, of GOD. Hermetic Initiates must therefore understand, contemplate, and master each successive sphere of the Tree before ascending to the next one; finally, they reach the sphere of Keter- ‘crown’- which represents the Divine Consciousness of God and the highest possible state of being, the universal origin of life, death, and everything in betweem and beyond.
As for your other questions, they seem more scientific than metaphysical. Are these questions inspired by the writings of Nikola Tesla?