This production is a front for sex trafficking a la Balenciaga. and HOW TF does youtube allow this is mindboggling's a musical duo, not just she
everything associated with the music is a luciferian attack disguiesd as meditation new age 'feel good' philipspy when underneath is is pornstars in the music video and blood and demonic titles
pornstar with satanic rune tattoo can browse the streaming serve of apple or spotify to see a hundred satanic song titles
a interview where the guy who makes the videos (its a duo of guy and girl) mentioning family of gangsters and being traumatized by abuse and hiding in domestic shelter
where CIA recruits victims for mkultra on album covers also obv beta sex kitten
pentagram tattoo between her tits video depicting blood lust or blood worship worship. Note the triangle on her forehead this the girl is seen sitting with a teddy bear, and then she is wearing a venetian mask titles of this is Forever/Providence/Light. Notice her make-up. The Eye of Providence, or all-seeing eye. Luciferians worship the Light. Lucifer means light-bearer or morning star. another reference, this is called Venus. The morning star.