>>1853511555 million elderly boomers are about to release those homes onto their children who aren't prepared to:
1. Be landlords and earn margins from the difference between rent and mortgage, taxes, insurance and maintenance costs.
2. Live in it, since it's not where they want to live and
3. Aren't really prepared to sell it because they know land is real money wheras paper US Dollar is just kike ponzie money. It's just a reptile in a market-making bullion house selling thousands of people an exclusive claim to the same ounce of metal and using confusion so nobody figures out that's how the price of metal is inflating at the same rate kikes can debase it, which is 25% per year.
House prices are a bedrock object anomaly. The people who say: "This bedrock object is jumping around like a bunny full throttle through a brier patch".
Maybe it's not the bedrock that's full of kikes and jetting around too and fro, maybe it's the model in the instrument you're using to measure that's full of kikes.