>>20130505>>20130523I just see war as natural and, in moderation, good, as all things can be good in moderation.
I don't think we can establish utopia through any "cultural" means like getting rid of the "banksters." That, to me, sounds like Marxist utopianism, where if you just get rid of the capitalists we'll have heaven on earth.
I don't believe in any perfect society, nor in any possible society that is even close to perfect, at least not in this universe under its laws. Scarcity and fighting for resources will always be a thing, along with the will to power and domination of others.
I do think there are better and worse systems, and perhaps fractional reserve banking is best to do away with in terms of full reserve banking, but only as long as it remains just as easy to capitalize worthy enterprises.
And wars, as I discussed with Finn bro, bring out any not-dead society's life drive, its inner fascism and will to survive. Thus frivolities are cast aside in favor of necessities and the society can regain some measure of focus on what is important and what is not, at least for a while -- for the generations that remember the times of death and struggle. Fascism is just the militarization of society at large, the imposition of military values and disciplines onto the general public for the sake of mobilization in an existential fight. Therefore war can be good and necessary, but not too much of it -- again, all things in moderation.
I believe there is a time for every purpose and a season for everything under heaven. As war has always been a part of the human condition, it must serve some vital function, and that function, I believe, is, broadly speaking, what I just described about re-prioritizing the thinking of populations.