Continuation of
>>330143733 kinda
Despite all the endless shilling against it here (I wonder why), does anyone feel like Cannabis enhances their lives as opposed to diminishes the quality of it?
>helps me sleep>helps me concentrate>makes me enjoy others interests more>makes me slower to lash out when agitated>enhances my creativity>helps me understand foreign concepts>has financially liberated me (since I started growing for myself) from the Jew in many ways>helps my appetite>helps my metabolism>generally healthier, less restless, more alert and active since I started consuming it every night>its also fun to do with your friendsI'm starting to see why there's so much anti-weed shilling here, of course the Jew doesn't want you to know how to best appropriate this herb into your life, rekindle your ancient DNA-link to agriculture and decouple yourself from their insidious control schemes.