>>7510616I’ve been trying to experience that placebo effect that you have mentioned before and essentially what it does to me concerning my mentality. I’ve done experiments on myself involving masturbating every day for one week to once every other day, to once every 3 days, and now only on the 5th day. I’ve noticed overall that it makes me feel like a weight has been lifted off of my life during that time and just feel more social in general. I still believe that a major psychological problem with others at my age is that we’re ingrained with this thought that masturbation everyday is seen as normal to others. In all honestly I never found it normal and people are too unwilling to discuss about it in real life because it’s somewhat of a taboo topic. I’ve done research on it already and can cofidently say that porn in tandem with masturbation just fucks up the way we percieve sexuality and aspects of life around us. Masturbation might in fact help anyone and that’s cool I just believe that people should experience the difference that nofap makes at least once. also finna bussa nit to hot anime tiddy tonight yeeeeahhhh