>>2890178Homo Sapiens:
Social Animals.
We develop to survive. Social animals must form to the society to survive. It is instinctual. Primates form social hierarchies. Social hierarchies create social capital to select individuals. Current human social hierarchy has white males at the top. However, social capital is placed on white females, "minorities", black male athletes and rappers. Weak white men sheep are forming to be social capital. aka the white female. Not all men are weak sheep though. Furthermore, the internet has presented the visual cues of social capital through a skewed political agenda that is not representative of reality. Those who engage in real society realise white males have social capital in their excessive need to dominate, which leads them to financial and social success. Ever notice that all these trannies appear to be internet home bodies? Not until they become comfortable do they present themselves social as traps.
I love it though, for some reason these traps are hot AF.
I also read a theory that it is sign of a failing society.