>>20210938>[Kelly Omega stands on the apron, tag rope in hand, screaming at Mimi Cue to get back to the ring. Begging, maybe, is a more correct definition.]But the referee gives all the leeway he can, and there is no choice but to signal the end of the match. Mimi Cue has been counted out by the slimmest of margins, and yet another tournament has come to a screeching halt due to, in a sense, hands of Gemma Stone.
Where once this might have led to a post-match attack or a fiery challenge or a 9-page essay on every fault that Gemma Stone -- or, Mimi Cue? But not Sheila, or Curry Girl... -- had, Omega just doesn't feel the need. Her heart isn't in it, the time isn't right. She fought Nikki Kade, and on a generous reading had got the better of her. She had avenged the words of K-Chan by kicking out of everything the girl -- no, not some girl, but a tough professional athlete had thrown at her. Just like Colby Jefferosn at Waifus Collide II, she gave it her all and has nothing to regret.
There was Scarlet and the Huntress just a few weeks ago. Dia Mond and Beera more recently. And now the younger Kade and K-Chan. Waifus Collide II was full of young winners. The Warhorse girls who Omega has grown so fond of. DEATHPROOF fought like only friends can. Nico, Amanda... even Holly. Omega's own role in Onigiri retaining is regrettable, and Omega can't help but think how she was the only one of the old guard to win at that show. Holding back the future, maybe.
Tch. With a wry smile she gives a slight nod to Nikki from across the ring, before finally catching the eye of the ecstatic K-Chan. The tiniest of shrugs and another small nod to her victors tonight, and Omega jumps off the apron and begins the long walk backstage.