Next time you see a Mensa IQ test thread, check out the people who score below the lower bound.
>Your score was outside the measurable areaThey literally believe their score was so high their intelligence is unmeasurable. They unironically post it and brag about it - when their IQ was so low the test makers didn't even have the heart to tell them. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
>>419630500>So we can observe that IQ positively correlates with demoralizationMaybe but not always. There's a difference between demoralization and depression/exasperation. Demoralization (and I looked this part up) is characterised by a level of distress and a sense of incompetence.
I would say if you can maintain self-confidence despite everyone else being wrong, you aren't demoralized. ]
>If higher IQ doesn't necessarily mean social dominance, why do higher IQ people avoid the top of the social pyramid?Because getting to the top of most social pyramids (politics, government, friendship groups, twatter) is less about intelligence and more about bullshitting everyone (including yourself).
Try telling any group of people they're wrong when they all agree, they hate you. Then when they find out you were right, they hate you even more for being right. Can't win.
>>17233623>le jews created IQ so it's irrelevant becuase jewsSounds like a rationalisation. No basis in fact, guy just wants to feel better about his own IQ by invalidating the testing method (notice there's no mention which test either).