>>11244165>what are core samples?>jews and their Christian kike allys are low IQ! The ground below the WTC memorial will remain hot for the next 10,000 years. If not now definitely in the future core samples will be taken by an increasingly browned america and they will blame white jews and christians for comitting the most heinous act on humainity since the betrayal of jesus christ.
One day Core samples of the WTC memorial site will reveal that the most sacred vow of the US armed forces has been violated by a pack of banking book keepers and death will come for all the plotters and their descendants. The state of Israel will be no more!
This is how the apocalpyse will happen. The great revelation of our time will be the core samples. Nuclear war has been waged against the US military and this time they will respond because it it s a new generation not subject to boomer kikery!
The judgement predicted in the Bible will be made by the US military and the state of Israel and jews worldwide will feel this wrath. The shoah will not be fiction this time around.