As per usual, it comes down to me being lumped in to the unremarkable normie simulator bin for them to conclude that I should have known it was a disguise monster clan. Among the two very outlandish possibilities, when you are lumped into the bin of people who know they invented a time machine, and do not have any reason to think you might be the target of a disguise monster clan's conspiracy to defraud you, the one conclusion is much more reasonable than the other. Furthermore, everyone around me was acting like the guy's appearance was totally normal, and I had no reason to think everyone around me thought his changing appearance was as weird as I did. DJ was the only one who ever said anything about it to me until March 2017 when the guy himself told me that he was the oldest brother contradicting my recollection of an earlier story about the guy's older brother owning a hotel.
So if you don't ignore the obvious truth that I invented a time machine and I have known about it for a long time, then it is may be reasonable to conclude that it would have been an over-complication to think, "There must be a conspiracy of disguise monsters intent on defrauding me for some reason which I have no idea about what it might be," when there was the perfectly simple explanation that the DNA was changing.
Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function Within the Critical Strip and Off the Critical Line