Your best bet is someone who you aren't attracted to. And to do that you have to live with them long enough so that any sort of tension is removed. And then and only then will they hug you and tell you everything is ok. They wont do it because they want you to get rid of your sadness cause it makes them feel bad but because they know it is something good to do for you. To get all that is something worth striving for i think. To find the person who will not only make you feel that all is right in the world but to also want to be the same for them. And all that is too much in our society of consumerism and meager social interaction. I am sad to inform you you will never find such a person if you haven't already found them.
We are living in the worst era for true friends. Most people go by with just meeting their "friends" every week and calling that a day. They don't even crave what you crave. They just want a fuck buddy a lover to procreate and that's it. meaning is out of their reach so we try right?
But what you want isn't supported by today's standards. Best we have is friends who care for you as long as you give them something. No one has the time to make friends.
If you find the one who does and wants and needs and can...then you are luckiest and richer than any man I think. For he who has found true friendship has no need for wealth nor fame but has what all those who seek those can never have.
Good luck if you keep searching, but to answer the question no, it isn't too much to ask, it is simple impossible to happen.