>>12811748I said they're both a problem. The root problem though of it all is Satanism, Satan.
The hatred of Christianity, of Europeans who accepted Christianity and became the cradle for it and built a civilisation based on it as the foundations, Christendom, which in turn has influenced us as a people profoundly, our culture, traditions, art, architecture, music, values, morality, thus law, worldview thousands of years of history, everything has Christianity in it... they hate it, want to destroy it all (and that's what they have been doing and still are doing, both Jews and their goy allies) they hate us.
Modern Jews are satanic, they are descendants of the pharisees, and those that rejected Christ, and persecuted the early church and have thus had a demonic hatred since, this hatred has been growing and festering over the centuries, jealousy, envy of white Christians, choosing to live among us and hating us, wanting to destroy us, combined with the satanic and demonic hatred of Christianity.
Anyway it's difficult to cover everything in a single comment, it's complex and all interconnected.