Vril eye parasite
https://educate-yourself.org/cn/vrilreptilians18nov12.shtml1. All vaccines in general are cultured off of aborted fetal tissue. Anyone who receives one is participating in cannibalism. Which garners negative karma and harms the soul.
2. The nanobots inside the covid vaccine destroy the part of the brain that serves as the communication uplink to The Creator. Without that piece of hardware, it's impossible to pray or meditate.
3. It restructures the cytoarchitecture of the brain in order to make the person more childlike.
4. It contains Reptilian DNA. Which turns the body into a potential vessel for a Reptilian entity to inhabit.
5. It houses a Vril brain parasite.
6. It carries nonhuman zygotes that get inserted into the nuclei of the cells. Thereby rendering the person no longer human. Any Christian who takes it will no longer be eligible to be written into the Lamb's Book of Life. Which in turn forfeits their opportunity at salvation.
7. It sterilizes anyone who takes it. Both males and females. It destroys the uterine lining and causes the uterus to become inhospitable to life. Any woman who receives one ends up turning her womb into an automatic abortion factory.
8. It carries estrogen that's designed to attack masculinity and turn men feminine. Any male who receives one will experience lactation and shrinkage of his testicles.
9. It's a kill shot. Those who don't die from it by 2025 will end up transforming into zombies within 3 months to 6 years.
10. It's the same one predicted by Rudolf Steiner. The vax that was designed to make it impossible for any human to discover the spiritual world.
11. All vaccines destroy the Astral body and eliminate one's ability to lucid dream.