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Today is a new day, allegedly Jan 5, 2020, and they are starting with the sexual torture already as I sit here trying to work on my paper. A moment ago, the device implanted in a stab wound in my anus was activated to simulate the sensation of an insect larva eating my flesh and wriggling in the hole it has carved out for itself by literally eating me alive, and simultaneously with it the gangstaker acoustic device said, "Yup," and my next door neighbor started banging on the wall: all three things at the exact same moment.
As I was typing this, the spasm implant was activated and the acoustic device played the sound of, "That's right." I suppose those that abide them still do not believe it, but what "is right" is that I am going to curse their children for eternity simply for them having abode these activities. These are the ones who chant, "Give us Barabus!" Their children will burn in hell exactly as much as the children of them who directly do it to me. They still don't believe it, though it is true, for if they did they would analogously strap swords to their side and go back and forth through the camp, from one side to the other, each man killing his brother and neighbor and friend.