>>5442174mind over matter, porn addiction can take a long time to reverse.
Stop masturbating first and foremost. If you absolutely must watch porn, watch it, but don't masturbate, by not masturbating, you are not reacting to it. Eventually you will be able to overcome the urge completely.
If you feel yourself fantasizing while in bed, indulge in those fantasies, don't fight them. These fantasies are porn residues still fighting for power/supremacy in your brain. Again, DON'T fight them. Eventually you will grow bored of them by indulging them if you don't supplement them with porn and masturbation and your mind will move on to more natural and wholesome productive things. This can take months so be patient, but it will happen.
But the number one thing is dedication. Porn robs you of your self control, your spirit, your focus and attention span, and ultimately trains you to revert into in the more primitive lizard part of the brain so (((they))) can control you better.