>>12438889effects on us today:
You dont simply ask your grandparents about the war.
If you do its a very solemn occasion and not be taken lightly. Its very intimate. Many people dont talk with their grandparents at all about much that has happened in order not to hurt them or to lay guilt on them.
NS legacy is omnipresent. You cant spend a week in germany without seeing Hitler. Either through jokes, physical reminders (I grew up in a house where one of these little reminders of who used to life there once before deportation was placed at the doorstep), warnings from the media, or sayings.
People who want to be proud on germany will often try to divide german history in a white and a black side with the black side having damaged the white one quiet literally as evidenced by the reduction of old buildings.
School lessons are rife with the holocaust but dont rly explain it beyond that it was bad.
the why is for academic discourse only.