>>21242043>>21243845>[Another tweetstagram video, recorded in a bathroom mirror.]"Orright, so look. Oi ain't in me best spot, yeah? So Oi'll cut to da chase. Da stuff dat happened wiff Reino last toim out wasn't super noice, but when ya look at da fax, she koinda had it cummin'. Oi ain't condonin' what Kelsie did, but it was Reino's mate what King Hit Kelsie 'erself, and if anyone knows about da rool of 'an oy for an oy', it's fucken Kanko."
"Now aftah Reino inta-rup-ted me promo toim a cuppla weeks back, Oi made it real simple dat dere was a few ways to get a match wiff me, Kelsie, or anyone else, yeah? And wunna dem was ta smash anuvva cunt wiff a fucken loight toob or summin, and guess what da great marksked L-O-L-A did in 'er match: dat's roight, smashed a cunt wiff a fucken loight toob. And woodn't ya know it, Loles just so 'appens ta be in a team wiff Reino. Fucken crazy how da yoo-ni-voise works, ay?"
"So Loles, Reino, once again, Auntie Sheils is 'ere ta tell ya it's pretty fucken simple. If ya wanna foight us, den ya bofe gotta say so. An' Loles, if youse wanna smash tits wiff wunna-us by ya-self, jus' say da fucken' word. But jus' loik wiff ya mate, youse'll be comin alone, whoil we'se orlways come togevva."
"... nyeh heh heh. Sorry mates, coodn't rah-sist. Anway, youse know da schtick: Sheila train, get on board, get run ovah, blah blah blah. 'Parrently summa da cunts in da arena last toim din't know a fucken joke, so fuck me, roight? Gotta watch me fucken tone faw awl da sensitive cunts or whatevva. So dat's it from me. Lemme know, love."
>[Just before the video cuts out, the phone moves, showing off a pretty spectacular bathroom, Sheila's voice continues.]"Oi, anywho, we hittin da beach or what, Kelsie? Auntie fucken Sheils needs some sun on 'er tits and some brewskies in her mouf. Or maybe da uvva way round? Oi dunno."