Quoted By:
>be me
>be 16, a few daya from turning 17
>year 2016
>last year of highschool
>1 week before April's fools
>hatch brilliant prank idea agains't one of my classmates, let's call him X
>find bottle of liquid ass i bought two months before to piss off principal
>order cheap 6 inch dildo with next day delivery
>ffw next day
>cover dildo with liquid ass
>wrap it tight into two plastic bags to block smell
>go to science class
>walk to X's desk
>quickly unwrap dildo and drop it on his desk
>tell him "you left this in my bathroom yesterday, you fucking faggot"
>get punched, got nose amd 2 ribs broken
>he gets suspended
>worth it
>mfw he spammed me gore for 3 weeks straight