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Could be a problem. What I find most noteworthy about the Cultural Marxists, is that they seem to think that they can create things in their mind. That kind of points to Delusions, and that kind of points to Schizophrenia issues. Idealising people, as well as demonising people, doesn't work. Idealising people cannot create facts in reality. This may come as a shock to the more Schizophrenia amongst us. Believing nice things about Black people, and suppressing or denying anything negative about Black people cannot change reality. Both idealisation and demonisation, psychologically speaking are the same thing. The people who, at all costs need to idealise Blacks are only doing it, because if they weren't they would be demonising Blacks, and they can't do that, because they need to convince themselves that they are "nice" people. I have always said this, the people who mindlessly chant BLM slogans, are the ones who would, in a change of circumstances, e.g., 1940s Europe, these people would be sticking Jewish kids into the gas chambers. Idealisation and demonisation are the same thing. Two expressions of the need to split. (It's complicated).