>>9844311American Negros are physically stronger due to the artificial selection of slavery, which killed the weak and bred only the strong. The irony of all of this is the "negro superiority" is 100% due to the artificial selection and genocide of physically weak Negros during the 300 years of slavery.
>The only reason American Negros are big and strong is literally because White Men bred them like animals to be big and strong over 300 yearsThey're attempting to take credit for the work done by white slavers, which is ironic, but also pretty funny. Just try to compare African Negros to American Negros, the American Negro is a completely different breed of animal. The American Negro was bred for hard labor, for physically demanding work in brutalizing environments. The African Negro was naturally selected for speed, in order to run away from predators like lions, as well as other people. The Negro could not escape the predator, the White man that would kill him if he did not work, he could not escape the brutal whippings, and this means those that could not survive in these conditions died, while those that could survived did so, and thus went on to produce children. The reason why the American Negro is so dominant in the NFL is because the conditions are literally identical to slavery. Tireless work outdoors in the heat of summer and in the harvest season. Endless physical brutality with no possibility of escape. It's almost delightful how racist Football is, but at the same time even Whites seem to be pretty oblivious to this sort of shit.
The Negro was also bred to be submissive, meek, and otherwise too unintelligent to pose any significant threat. Any niggers that got too smart were shot on the spot, and any niggers that couldn't be broken with the whip were shot. The issue with the negro disobedience today is that you've removed the predator of the whip. Without that predator, the Negro has had his instincts dulled, and is prone to crime.