>>11355215 >SOmE PeoplE finD IT diFfICULT to uNdErStand how we CaN see ThE WOrLD PrOPERLy WhEN ThE ImAGe is UPsIde dOWn. THe rIGhT way TO tHINk abOUt thIs is to aDOpT A cOMputATionAL perSPEctIve. we dO NoT perceIvE WHAT iS On thE rEtiNA; INsTEad, a PErcePt IS ForMed tHrOuGH A coMPlex cHaIn Of NEurAL CoMpUTaTions. A ContrOL cOMputeR DOEs NoT CAre whiCh Way Is UP, And iNvErsioN OF the imAGe IS THe least Of tHE brAIn'S comPutaTionAL pRobLems.